Post 3 – Turning an old indulgence into a new family fave

I love chicken nuggets. I used to overeat ’em like crazy.

Now? I make my own.


My new favorite crunchy coating mixture is simple and amazing.

2 parts crushed pork rinds
1 part parmesan
Salt, garlic powder, paprika and pepper

It was a quick egg dip for my chicken breast chunks, cut into wee chicken poppers, then straight into the panko like mixture. Press those dudes into the coating!

Make sure the bacon fat (or coconut oil) is shimmering and hot. Gently drop them into the oil. 2-3 mins a side, turn them with metal tongs!

Post 2 – Make ahead meal ideas, part 1!


Oh lawd, it has been a bit longer than I anticipated! I have, however, been posting a TON on instagram. Follow me @derpyscreenname to see the day to day meal ideas!

Today, I thought I would make a post about make ahead meals. Why? Because life is busy, and I need ideas that are easier than the Pizza Pizza app.


Fathead make ahead – They freeze perfectly and reheat when topped and popped in the toaster oven! 7 minute meals!

From 286 – 268 (current), I have found meal prep CRITICAL. Working nights is challenging, and I really operate at my best when I have a meal midway through my shift. Bringing a substantial and ketogenic meal is important; without a meal, I am very likely going to inhale the tuck shop.

What has helped the past few weeks? Premade errthang. I roast cauliflower covered in butter, salt and pepper ahead of time and have found a million uses for it. I made a breakfast type skillet with left over cauliflower covered in hollandaise – I posted pictures of that glorious day on instagram! Alfredo goes well with it too, as would any kind of curry. I hope to get my butter chicken recipe up to par, as they would be a beautiful combo.

Another frequent dish I’ve really gotten into is the infamous ‘crack slaw’, with some of my own variations. I’ve found a bunch of great broccoli or cabbage based slaws for a good price. This time, I had left over steak I could add – feel free to precook some chicken (or toss any premade meat into the oil!). I browned some garlic and onions in coconut oil, then added a mountain of low carb slaws, mushrooms and zucchini slices.

I managed to snap a few quick snaps of the next steps:





Proceed to devour. I drench it in Red Hot as well. It is a great make ahead lunch, scale up and down based on your specific macros & caloric needs. I usually portion this into 3 hearty portions, with a fair bit of sesame and coconut oil for frying the veggies. Helps me control my portions of protein while still getting fat & fibre.

Another awesome meal idea is having a dip friendly protein. I often check to see what is a good price, and grab it while it’s on sale. A few weeks ago, I bought a huge tray of chicken thighs at Costco on sale. I flattened them out and fried them in some bacon fat with green onions and garlic. Thighs are dark meat and in my experience, retain their moisture very well. Yum, fatttt.



After a trip to the Asian grocery store, I was inspired.. I missed chicken rice wraps, with the peanut butter sauce.

There was a time, long ago, when I tried a vegan lifestyle. I really enjoyed some of the dishes I came to make, and one of them included a thai peanut sauce. Adapting this recipe for keto was VERY easy! It tasted more authentic with natural peanut butter.



  • 3 Tbsp natural peanut butter (Kirkland was the one I chose)
  • 3 Tbsp warm water
  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp roasted sesame oil
  • 1 tsp rice vinegar
  • 1 tsp of sriracha *
  • 1-2tsp erythritol (my mix from Bulk Barn has an erythritol/stevia blend)
  • juice of a 1/2 lime

At first, it’s a blob of fats in a bowl of water. Trust me here, start slowly stirring. It will slowly start to break apart, and look worse. Keep stirring. Almost suddenly, you will see the colour likely lighten as the mixture begins to homogenize. Science.

I thinned mine out for lunches (and to stretch it, more for less calories!). You can drizzle it on a stir fry, use as a dipper, and simply scale to your liking. I made dipper bowls for lunch, complete with either my chicken thighs or rotisserie chicken, avocado slices and cucumber wedges. I was getting some serious office envy.

One last tip – buy the Costco rotisserie chicken, just do it. It’s delicious, I debone mine right away and have a MASSIVE amount of cooked chicken to toss into literally anything. The trick for me has been having my meats cooked and ready to eat. The rest are details.

Next time, I will be posting all about my favorite low carb wing recipe, my very own chicken nugget how to and a foray into the zoodle, my favorite medium for my ULTRA lazy alfredo delux. This time, with bacon. Stick around, follow me in instagram and subscribe!
